The Customer Union for Ethical Banking (Save Our Bank campaign) is running a social media campaign aimed at recruiting Co-op Bank customers to join the union.

The campaign focuses on the strong and often courageous messages used by the bank in the past about its ethical stance - messages that went beyond just establishing the bank's ethical credentials and were political statements in their own right.

The Customer Union wants to see the bank return to such forthright campaigning stance and has been encouraged by some of the recent stances taken by the bank, for example on nuclear weapons and trans rights.

A series of 'memes' seen here is being used on Facebook and Twitter, with more to follow soon. Click on the images to download your own copy to post and share!

Have you got any copies of old Co-op Bank ads like these? If so, please get in touch.

Bullet Human rights
Unconventional sources  


Midcounties Co-operativeThank you

Our thanks to Midcounties Cooperative who provided a grant to help us with this project.