Tell us your view on what the Customer Union should prioritise in 2018

Q1: Below is a list of activities and campaigns that the Customer Union is considering for 2018. Please help us determine what to focus on by indicating which are the most important.

Very importantImportantLess importantNot important
Create a share fund for members and others so that the Customer Union can build a co-operatively owned shareholding in the Co-op Bank, in the name of its members.
Engage with other cooperatives to find potential cooperative investors for the bank (for example foreign cooperative finance institutions).
Work with the bank to build a bigger customer voice in how the bank is run, e.g. through a customer council.
Explore forms of structured engagement with the bank, for example regular formal meetings between the Customer Union and the bank at a senior level, governed by a written agreement.
Engage with the bank on how it should further develop its Ethical Policy in any upcoming review.
Develop dialogue with the bank's current owners (the US hedge funds) and advocate for them to return the cooperative ownership as and when they sell their stake.
Campaign for the bank to investigate options for returning to cooperative ownership and publish its findings.

Q2: Are there other issues you would like the Customer Union to consider making a priority in 2018?

What other issues should we work on?

Q3: Which of the following kinds of activities might you be interested in doing in 2018 to help the Customer Union grow its members?

Tick any number of boxes

Q4: Do you have any additional ideas and suggestions about how to grow the customer union in 2018?

Please let us know here - or you can email

Q5: Customer Union

Are you a member of the Customer Union?
Will you consider joining the Customer Union in 2018?

Q6: Do you have any other comments or feedback for the Save Our Bank team?  

Please let us know here - or you can email

Q7: Please provide your email address

Not required - just so that we know who has completed the survey